
Thank you for supporting us our partner organizations


Partners Name Project Name Partner Logo Remarks


PACT Nepal

Women’s Reading for Development (WORD)


Denmark’s development cooperation

Banana and off seasonal vegetable farming and marketing project


District Agriculture Development Office Darchula

Crop Diversification Project (CDP)

4 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Fund Development Board(RWSSFDB) Rural Water Supply and Sanitation program (RWSS)
5 Care Nepal TheHope-ASHA Program
6 Care Nepal Water and sanitation (WATSAN)
7 World education Protracted Relief And Recovery Operations(PRRO)-Food Security Program(FSP)
8 Care Nepal Community support program(CSP-II)
9 Hellen Keller International(HKI) SUAAHARA-I program
10 GNI Integrated community development project (ICDP)
11 World education Early Grade Reading program (EGRP)
12 Mercy Corps Promoting Agriculture, Health and Alternative Livelihoods (PAHAL)
13 Hellen Keller International(HKI) SUAAHARA-II program
  • Suaahara II is managed by:HKI
  • In partnership with:
  • Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere, Inc. (CARE)
  • Environmental and Public Health Organization (ENPHO)
  • Vijaya Development Resource Center (VDRC)
  • Digital Broadcast Initiative Equal Access (DBI EA)
  • Nepali Technical Assistance Group (NTAG)
14 DDC/M/RM Rural Village Water Resources Management Project(RVWRMP)
15 UNICEF COVID-19 emergency Support Program
16 DDC Local Governance and Community Development Programme  (LGCDP)
17 FAO Agriculture and Food Security Project (AFSP)
18 PAF Poverty Alleviation Program(PAP)
19 DDC Decentralized Rural Infrastructure and Livelihood Project (DRILP)
20 Geneva Global Right to Harawa  Charawa community as well as the process of gaining access to  land
21 CRT Nepal ICF/IWM/Biomass Energy Support Program
22 FAO Strengthening Aromatic and Medicinal plants based enterprises of community forestry user group by scaling up production, processing and marketing
23 Adaptation at Scale Prize Project(A@SPP) Adaptation at Scale Prize Project(A@SPP)
24 SOLID Nepal Human Resources For Health(HRH)
25 LGAF Secretariat Local Governance Accountability facility program (LGAF)
27 ACF Humanitarian Response Program (HRP) program
28 DK Austria Sustainable Economic enhancement and Development of women , poor and Excluded (SEED of WPE)
29 Care Nepal Humanitarian Partnership Platform (HPP) Pilot Initiative
30 Oxfam Transboundary Rivers of South Asia (TROSA)